The JET Pack: Using the Journey to Employment framework
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Nearly 1.07 million1 young people are not in employment, full-time education or training—almost 1 in 5 of all young people in the UK.
Transitions to adulthood have become increasingly difficult as a result of the economic outlook and the breakdown of traditional pathways into work.
The JET framework is designed to help charities think through how their work contributes to young people’s employability, and plan approaches to evaluation.
The JET Pack is an eight-step guide designed to help organisations implement the framework—identifying what to measure, deciding how and when to measure, and using the resulting data to learn and improve.
The eight steps are summarised below.
Step 1: Think about your theory of change
The first step to developing your evaluation approach is to map out how your project or organisation leads to change for young people. This will help you to select what outcomes to measure, and identify the data you need to collect.

Step 2: Prioritise your outcomes
Measurement should be proportional, and should provide you and your stakeholders with useful information. To achieve this, prioritisation is important—it is better to measure a few key outcomes well.

Step 3: Use the JET framework to match outcomes
From the 7 groups of factors identified in the JET framework, select the outcomes that best match your organisation’s.

Step 4: Use the JET framework to select measures
Three main features of a project should influence the measure you choose: frequency, intensity and duration. Once you have considered the type of intervention you deliver, you can use the JET framework to search the measures available for the outcomes of your project.

Step 5: Choose a research design
Consider when is the best time to take a baseline measure, and when to take a follow-up measure, how to use the tools in ongoing programmes or rolling interventions, and how to sample with a smaller group of

Step 6: Start measuring
This section gives you an overview of some of the practicalities in giving out questionnaires, answering questions and thinking about staff skills and training needs.

Step 7: Analyse your data
We will make pre-formatted Excel answer sheets available upon request. Enter data from the questionnaires into the relevant tabs by selecting the appropriate responses or by entering the scores. Then learn how to analyse the data, and interpret and report on your results.

Step 8: Learn and improve
Measuring your impact is not just about demonstrating what you have achieved. The final, crucial stage of the measurement cycle is to learn from the data you collect.