Our framework for Place
A practical guide for funders
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The places where we live and work define who we are and what we do. They determine the nature of our relationships with our fellow citizens and the communities we create together.
Interest in place-based working has gained significant traction in recent years. Shrinking resources and growing demands for devolution have fuelled a desire to empower communities to have greater control over the places they live in. While many organisations talk about taking a place-based approach, they often mean different things. Place-based working is not a static process; most funders are on a journey.
We’ve developed this framework to share common characteristics we’ve identified from our consulting and think tank work, which we believe will prove invaluable for developing your own place-based projects.
Our case studies bring together examples of place-based programmes from across the UK. Some are funder-led programmes while others are led by the public or third sector. We felt that all have interesting lessons for funders who are exploring how to achieve impact in a place.
Ten ways charities and funders are embracing Place

York Pathways
York Pathways is a partnership originally led by Lankelly Chase to tackle the causes of serious mental distress in the city.

Blackpool Pride of Place
People from the business, voluntary and public sectors coming together to promote economic development and tackle local issues.

Lambeth Together
Lambeth Together is a collaboration of health services in the London Borough of Lambeth seeking to improve care for residents.

Corra Foundation
Corra's flagship place programme to support the many areas of Scotland where grants and services were not reaching.

Guy's and St Thomas' Charity
Taking on interlinked drivers behind major health issues, in collaboration with a wide diversity of partners and taking a whole-systems approach.

Hull Community Development Programme
The Rank Foundation’s flagship place-based programme in Hull, identifying local leaders and giving them the support they need.

Islington Giving
Islington Giving’s approach has been at the forefront of London’s Giving Movement which is now active in 20 boroughs across the city.

The Preston Model
Since 2013 Preston has undergone significant economic regeneration using a non-traditional grassroots method called Community Wealth Building.

Childrens Zones
Projects aiming to break the cycle of generational poverty by addressing the whole context around a child’s journey of growing up.

The Sutton Plan
A route for the council and the clinical commissioning group to sustain and develop a good quality of life for those in the Borough.
At NPC we are building a rich archive of place-based examples, so far identifying 98 programmes (and counting) in the UK alone. We are keen to hear from organisations (in the UK and abroad) who are taking different place-based approaches and who are happy to share their learning with others.
If you are interested in sharing your experiences or ideas, please get in touch.