Impact measurement, evaluation and data
Whether you’re a business, charity or funder, impact measurement and evaluation is all about helping you improve the good work you’re doing. Our Understanding Impact guide takes you through how to create an impact measurement framework. To dig deeper, we run regular training events, and our consultants can provide independent measurement and evaluation services.

5 challenges of evaluating systems change work and how to approach them
By Katie Boswell .
On 23 January 2025.
It’s difficult to establish cause and effect. To evaluate, you'll need to map the system and create a theory of change.

Monitoring, evaluation, and learning with trust and equity: a guide for grant-makers and philanthropists
By Claire Gordon, Emma Pearson, Sarah Denselow, and Erwin Hieltjes .
On 5 December 2024.
How to support support reflection, improvement, and ultimately better outcomes.
Interim Evaluation of Catalytic Capital Consortium (C3) Initiative
By David Pritchard, Flora Charatan, Angela Kail, Gurmeet Kaur, Abigail Manning, David Neaum, and Jennifer Shea .
On 25 October 2024.
The evaluation of the first phase of C3 looks at progress to date, factors that have promoted progress and created challenges, and opportunities for the remainder of the initiative.

Where are we now on the impact journey?
By Dan Corry .
On 16 October 2024.
A transcript of Dan Corry’s speech at NPC Ignites 2024.

Government sharing data with charities improves impact – that’s why we need more Data Labs
By Dan Corry, and Sarah Sandford .
On 19 September 2024.
There are not a lot of easy wins in trying to address things like re-offending and getting people into jobs effectively. This is one of them.