Tris Lumley

Tris leads NPC’s work on innovation, developing new approaches, programmes and ventures to create significant, long-term contributions to the capability and capacity of the social sector. He also leads on developing NPC’s relationships with core funders—philanthropists, foundations and businesses who have a shared commitment to transforming the social sector to achieve its full potential.

Working with partners in the UK and globally, Tris is primarily focused on collaborative and infrastructural approaches to data and digital in the social sector.

Tris helped initiate and develop NPC’s work on digital, which is currently focused on creating practical collaborations on digital technology in the youth sector and the Inspiring Impact programme which aims to improve impact practice across the UK charity sector. He is also on the board of two charitable foundations, Intersticia and the Allan & Gill Gray Philanthropy Foundation, a member of the Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community, and is a regular speaker at international conferences in Europe, Asia, Australia and the USA.

Before joining NPC in 2004, he worked in consulting, emerging technology research, and scientific and engineering innovation. He enjoys running much more than he probably should.

You can find Tris on LinkedIn.

Why I work for NPC

Our starting point as charities and social enterprises, philanthropists and foundations is that we don’t have enough resources to tackle the challenges and opportunities we need to. Collaboration isn’t optional, it’s the only way forward.

Explore my work



Beyond competition

How innovation can make philanthropy more equitable, diverse, and inclusive

Where next for philanthropy?

20 years of NPC: Looking back, to the future

Marking ten years of the Inspiring Impact programme

Can philanthropy ever be open and inclusive?

Building a giving strategy and giving you a run for your money

Digital transformation & the social sector

Putting the humans first in tech for good

We need Digital Collective Impact

What’s wrong with digital in the social sector?

Start, collaborate, and listen.

Should you trust a charity with your data?

4 insights from working with ‘experts by experience’

Is grant-making fit for the digital future?

Long read: Towards a tipping point for impact investment

Learning lessons from NPC’s Well-being Measure

Taking stock of NPC’s Well-being Measure

Challenging the rules, changing the game

The charity sector’s digital future

What’s the point of conferences?

Are trusts and foundations up to the job?

Part 2: The power of digital to transform the sector

Managing change: a unique challenge for charities

Part 1: The power of digital to transform the sector

The human side of big data

When it comes to impact, leadership is the key

Our thinking on theory of change: for charities

Where to next?

Are we there yet?

Letter from America

Who cares about impact?

Learning from international relations

Do we need a paradigm shift in the charity sector?

Taking on the leadership challenge

A special breed of impact

Nick Hurd’s not wrong about grit

Charities must focus on shared identity as well as individuality

Making social investment deliver

NPC supports the Guardian and Observer’s Christmas appeal

Maude makes an impact

Impact in social investment: a billion pound question

The ideology of impact

We need your views!

Impact reporting: We need your views!

Nudging the head and the heart towards more effective giving

Why running an effective charity is like flying a fighter plane

NPC and the Guardian team up to find effective charities

Transparency and the informed donor

Do donors care about impact? Why we need six answers.

The dangers of measurement
