Liz Gadd

Liz is NPC’s Environmental Lead, specialising in action at the intersection of social and environmental issues. She works to ensure that the voice and needs of the groups most impacted by the environmental crises in the UK are heard in decision making that affects their lives. Liz partners with charities and funders to identify ways to ensure a fair, healthy and sustainable future for all social groups in the UK.

Liz co-leads NPC’s Everyone’s Environment programme, a collaboration of over 60 charities championing action on the social impacts of the environmental crises to ensure that the least privileged are not hit hardest by our changing environment and related policy.

Previously Liz held the roles of Strategy Principal and Effective Philanthropy Principal in NPC; and brings her understanding of those areas to support charities and funders to make their strategy, philanthropy, impact practice and involvement of stakeholders effective in addressing the social impacts of the environmental crises. She has a strong background in supporting social issue funders to begin or evolve their environment related grant-making and has helped many funding bodies and family foundations to do so.

She has over 25 years’ experience in the charity sector including with the British Red Cross, Girlguiding UK, VSO and the Challenge Network. In a personal capacity, Liz is a trustee of the Environmental Funders Network and Eating Better Alliance.

Follow Liz on LinkedIn.

Why I work at NPC

I work for NPC because I’m passionate about the impact of social and environmental charities on people and the planet.

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