Abigail Rose

Abi uses systems thinking tools and approaches to support organisations looking to maximise their social and environmental impact, and co-authored our systems thinking toolkit. She is experienced in systems mapping, supporting charities, funders and businesses to identify the drivers and consequences of complex issues (such as reoffending and poverty) and consider their role in tackling these.

She is an experienced facilitator and trainer, supporting organisations to develop or refresh strategies and theories of change. As a mixed methods researcher with a particular strength in qualitative approaches, she shares analysis and recommendations for practitioners and policymakers on a range of topics, including VCSE procurement practicesthe impact of the environmental crises on people in prison, and community-led approaches to tackling early years inequalities.

Prior to joining NPC, Abi worked as a community development officer at Oxford City Council, and a project manager for the social action charity Oxford Hub. She is a keen advocate for housing reform and a member of Starling Sessions, an international community folk group bringing together asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and longstanding Oxford residents to share cultural music.

Find out how our charity experts can help your organisation.

Pronouns: She/Her.

Why I work for NPC

I’m passionate about helping organisations tackle complex social issues, and appreciate working alongside colleagues driven by the same values.

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