A theory of change describes how your organisation or project aims to bring about social impact - NPC

Theory of change

What is theory of change? We all have dreams and ideas about how to achieve them, but we rarely take the time to think these through, scrutinise and articulate them. This is what a theory of change process does.

We see theory of change as the foundation of charity strategy, evaluation and communication. Our free guidance is one of the most popular resources we offer. To get started on your theory of change, read our Theory of change in ten steps.

To dig deeper, we run regular training sessions, and our consultants can help you develop bespoke theories of change for your projects and services.

Theory of change in ten steps

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We offer tailored support to help you create a theory of change that helps you work towards your mission and make an impact.

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SolarAid used the theory of change work that NPC did to really get to grips with how we needed to go about measuring our work.

Kat Harrison

Social Impact & Research Manager, SolarAid

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