Landscape desecrated by climate change.

Our publications

Research findings on how different social groups are affected by the environmental crises

These research briefings are a valuable source of information for charities or funders wanting to increase their understanding of how a specific social group in the UK is affected by the environmental crises and related policy.

The briefings contain summaries of how the climate and nature crises affect people directly or because of related policy, and also provide links to sources of data for those who would like more information.

You can also view visual summaries of these briefings.

Deliberation group findings on what different social groups prioritise for action

These summaries of engagement with people affected on their priorities for action on the social impacts of the environmental crises are a valuable source of information for charities or funders working with a specific social group and considering how to empower them to engage in environmental decision making and action. Briefings contain summarise what each group have told us about how they are affected and what they believe should be the priorities for action by charities and policy makers.

Policy Recommendations

These papers set out our ideas for government policy, based on the insights from the above briefings and deliberation groups.

Blogs and related publications

Browse our library of blogs and publications relating to the work of the Everyone’s Environment programme, including our guide to How health funders can make a greater impact by supporting environmental work.

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